How to Stop Cat Sleeping on Bed

How to Stop Cat Sleeping on Bed?

Having a furry companion like a cat can bring joy and comfort to your life, but sometimes they can encroach on your personal space, particularly when it comes to sleeping arrangements.

If you’re tired of sharing your bed with your feline friend, don’t worry!

In this blog post, we’ll explore effective tips and strategies to help you keep your cat from sleeping on your bed, while still maintaining a harmonious relationship.

Reasons: Why your Cat Sleeps on Bed?

Cats have their own unique preferences and motivations when it comes to choosing where they sleep. By understanding the reasons behind their behavior, we can address the issue more effectively.

1. Comfort and Warmth

Cats are drawn to soft and warm surfaces for their sleeping spots. Your bed, with its cozy blankets and comfortable mattress, provides an ideal environment for them to curl up and relax. The texture and warmth make it a highly desirable spot for a cat’s nap.

2. Desire for Closeness

Cats are known for their affectionate nature and their desire to be close to their human companions.

Your bed offers proximity to you, which provides a sense of security and comfort for your cat. Sleeping on your bed allows them to be in close proximity to you throughout the night.

7 Ways to Stop Cat Sleeping on Bed?

1. Creating an Attractive Alternative

One of the key strategies to discourage your cat from sleeping on your bed is to provide an appealing alternative. Set up a designated sleeping area for your cat, such as a cozy bed or a soft blanket.

Choose materials that your cat finds comfortable and inviting. Consider placing the bed in a quiet corner of your home, away from your bedroom, to provide them with their own special sleeping spot.

2. Making the Bed Less Appealing

To dissuade your cat from sleeping on your bed, you can make it less appealing to them. Cats are sensitive to certain textures and noises, so consider using materials that they find unappealing.

Try covering your mattress with a plastic mattress cover or placing a sheet of aluminum foil on top. The unfamiliar textures and sounds may discourage them from jumping onto the bed.

3. Using Natural Deterrents

Cats have a strong sense of smell, and certain scents can be off-putting to them. Citrus scents, like orange or lemon, are known to repel cats.

Spray a small amount of citrus-scented air freshener near your bed or place citrus peels in the vicinity. The scent should deter your cat from approaching the area.

4. Establishing Boundaries

Consistency is key when it comes to establishing boundaries with your cat. Whenever you find your cat on the bed, gently but firmly remove them.

Use a verbal command like “off” or “down” to signal that they should leave the bed. Reinforce this behavior consistently, and over time, your cat will understand that the bed is off-limits.

5. Positive Reinforcement

To encourage your cat to use their designated sleeping area, provide positive reinforcement. Whenever you see your cat using their bed, praise them and offer treats or playtime as a reward.

Positive reinforcement helps to reinforce the behavior you desire and strengthens the bond between you and your feline companion.

6. Closing the Bedroom Door

If it’s practical for you, a simple solution is to keep your bedroom door closed. By restricting access to your bedroom, you remove the temptation for your cat to sleep on your bed.

However, be prepared for some initial protests as your cat adjusts to the new arrangement.

7. Ensuring Ample Play and Exercise

Cats often sleep on the bed because they find it comfortable and because it allows them to be close to you.

By providing ample playtime and exercise throughout the day, you can help reduce their desire to seek out your bed for comfort.

Interactive toys, scratching posts, and regular play sessions will help keep your cat physically and mentally stimulated.

How do I train my cat to sleep in his own bed?

Training a cat to sleep in its own bed can take some time and patience, but with consistent effort, you can encourage your feline friend to make their bed their preferred sleeping spot.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you with the process:

1. Choose a comfortable cat bed

Select a bed that is cozy, soft, and appropriately sized for your cat. Cats generally prefer beds with raised sides or enclosed spaces where they can feel secure.

2. Place the bed in an ideal location

Find a quiet and calm area in your home where your cat feels safe and secure. It should be away from noisy appliances or high-traffic areas.

3. Make the bed appealing

Sprinkle some catnip or place a familiar blanket or toy on the bed to make it more enticing. Cats are attracted to scents and familiar objects, so this can help create a positive association.

4. Gradually introduce the bed

Begin by placing the cat bed near your cat’s favorite resting spot, such as their current sleeping area or a place they frequently nap. This helps them associate the bed with relaxation and comfort.

5. Use positive reinforcement

Whenever your cat shows interest in or explores the bed, offer verbal praise, gentle petting, and treats as rewards. Positive reinforcement helps them associate the bed with positive experiences.

6. Encourage exploration

Cats are curious creatures, so encourage your cat to investigate the bed by placing treats or toys near or inside it. This helps them associate the bed with rewards and fun.

7. Redirect inappropriate behavior

If your cat tries to sleep in other areas, gently guide them back to their bed. Avoid scolding or punishing them, as this may create negative associations with the bed.

8. Create a bedtime routine

Establish a consistent routine around bedtime. For example, before going to bed, spend some time playing with your cat to tire them out. Then, guide them to their bed and offer treats or a small meal as a reward.

9. Use pheromone sprays

Consider using synthetic pheromone sprays, such as Feliway, in the sleeping area. These sprays mimic the natural pheromones that cats release when they feel safe and comfortable, helping to create a relaxing environment.

10. Be patient and persistent

Changing a cat’s behavior takes time, so be patient and consistent with the training process. Some cats may take longer to adapt, while others may respond quickly. Tailor your approach to your cat’s individual personality and needs.

Remember that cats have their own preferences, and while you can encourage them to sleep in their bed, they may still choose to sleep elsewhere at times. Be flexible and understanding, and appreciate the progress your cat makes along the way.


With a little patience, consistency, and the implementation of these effective strategies, you can successfully keep your cat from sleeping on your bed.

Remember to provide an appealing alternative sleeping area, make the bed less inviting, establish clear boundaries, and use positive reinforcement.

By creating a comfortable space for your cat and respecting your own personal sleeping area, you can maintain a harmonious coexistence and ensure restful nights for both you and your feline friend.

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