How to Get Rid of Ants in the Kitchen with Vinegar

How to Get Rid of Ants in the Kitchen with Vinegar?

Ants are a common household pest found in kitchens across the world. These tiny creatures have been around for thousands of years, and they are known to contaminate food sources with their feces, saliva, and even corpses of their dead. While ants may not pose any severe health risks or damage to your home, they can certainly make an unsightly presence wherever they choose to nest. Luckily, you can try a simple solution at home before calling in an exterminator: vinegar! In this article, we will discuss how to get rid of ants in the kitchen with vinegar.

How to Get Rid of Ants in the Kitchen with Vinegar?

Vinegar is one of nature’s most common household acids. While it may not kill the ants themselves, it will undoubtedly chase them away. Artificial repellants can often be toxic to humans and pets, but vinegar is a safe (and practical) alternative to modern pesticides. What’s more, it’s completely non-toxic and organic! Keep in mind that ants will not eat or drink vinegar independently. You must introduce another substance for the ants to consume, such as sugar water bait.

Step 1

An excellent remedy to kill ants is to use white vinegar with water. Many people use vinegar to clean their floors, but this is also an easy way to get rid of ants. You must make a 1:1 solution of water and vinegar into a spray bottle. Then, lightly spray the ants coming into contact with the bait to chase them away. Another way to use vinegar as ant bait is to pour white distilled vinegar onto paper plates or bowls. Next, place them near areas where you have noticed ants.

Step 2

Ants will be able to detect food sources that have been treated with vinegar. This does not bother the ants, and they will eat right through it. They will then consume the sugar water you leave at your bait sites only to get poisoned by the vinegar in their stomachs.

Step 3

Make sure you use white distilled vinegar. It is essential that the ants can detect the vinegar, which means that clear or light-colored vinegar will work faster because it can be seen easier. If a darker vinegar is used, the ants might not even see it, and thus they won’t care about it.

Step 4

Mix 2 tablespoons of boric acid powder with one tablespoon of sugar water. Boric acid is an effective pesticide for ants. Stir the mixture together and put this into a bottle cap or other tight-fitting container that can be placed near areas where you have seen ants. The ants will contact the mixture, rendering them unable to reproduce effectively.

Step 5

Another way to get rid of ants using vinegar is to place a few drops of it on cotton balls and then place them near the entrance of the ants’ nests. The vinegar will eventually kill the queen and other members of the colony.

Homemade Tricks of Killing Ants at Home

Although an ant infestation at home may be inconvenient, it does not imply that you must destroy it with hazardous chemicals that might harm you or others, even your pets. Nor do you need to hire the fumigator since there are alternative methods.


Ants have a prolonged metabolism which means they require a lot of food. Once ants enter your home, they will usually search for a food source, and once they find one, they will leave a pheromone trail for others to follow. This is why you will see more and more ants coming into your household after the first one is spotted. You can use this knowledge to your advantage when trying to get rid of them.

The next time you see an ant, try to catch it and put it in a glass or jar. Once you have captured it, pour a little vinegar into the container so that the ant will walk through it. You can also do this with a cotton swab. The ant will try to clean itself off, but it will die from the acid in the vinegar.

Another trick is to pour some sugar water into a plate or bowl and then add drops of vinegar onto it. Ants are attracted to both sources, so they will come over and eat the mixture without knowing that they are being poisoned. The vinegar will kill them, but since it takes time to dissolve, the ants won’t tell where they got the poison.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is also a natural way to get rid of ants. Mix one part lemon juice with three parts water and put it into a spray bottle. Spray the mixture onto the ants or where they are coming in contact with the bait. The citric acid from the lemon will dissolve their exoskeleton, killing them instantly.

Talcum Powder

In areas where ants are problematic, sprinkle talcum powder on the ground. Ants will walk through it, and they will get the powder stuck to their legs and eventually carry it back to their nests which is a fatal move for them. Make sure you reapply the powder every few days so that no new ants can invade your home.

Coffe Beans

Another way to keep ants away is by using coffee beans. Ants don’t like the smell of them, so you can place them near areas where they are coming in or around your house. You can also put them in areas where you have seen the most ants.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is another natural way to get rid of ants. It is an excellent alternative if you don’t have vinegar around the house. Mix baking soda with water to make a paste and then apply it to areas where the ants are coming in contact with either the food or your home. The baking soda will kill them and stop them from invading your home.


Place cornmeal anywhere where the ants are frequenting around your house. The sugar in the cornmeal will attract them, and once they eat it, it will expand in their stomachs, killing them instantly while also preventing new ants from coming into contact with these foods.


Mint is a natural way to repel ants. You can either place mint leaves near areas where they are coming in or make a mint spray. The mint oil will deter them, and they will eventually go away.

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No matter what variety of ants they are, you can quickly get rid of them using these natural recipes. They will not only kill the ants, but they will also leave your home chemical-free with no harmful side effects. You can place these homemade traps around your house to act as deterrents and prevent any future ant infestations.

Always make sure you seal up any entry points and wash off the ants outside near where they are coming in contact with your home. This will help to keep them from finding food sources inside your house. When you see an ant, follow it and place a few drops of vinegar or lemon juice on its path to kill it instantly.

Keep these simple suggestions in mind the next time you deal with ants in your home. With a bit of effort, you can get rid of them for good without using any harsh chemicals or paying for an exterminator.


Q: How do I get rid of ants in my kitchen?
A: There are several natural ways to get rid of ants in your kitchen. You can use vinegar, lemon juice, talcum powder, coffee beans, baking soda, cornmeal, or mint.

Q: What is the best way to get rid of ants?
A: The best way to get rid of ants is by using vinegar, lemon juice, talcum powder, coffee beans, baking soda, cornmeal, or mint.

Q: What will happen if I don’t get rid of the ants?
A: If you don’t get rid of the ants, they will continue to contaminate your food sources with their feces, saliva, and even corpses of their dead. They can also damage your home.

Q: Do ants pose any severe health risks?
A: Ants do not pose any severe health risks. However, they can contaminate your food with their feces, saliva, and even the corpses of their dead.

Q: Can I use any vinegar to get rid of ants?
A: You can use any vinegar to get rid of ants. However, white vinegar is the most effective.

Q: In what areas can ants be found?
A: Ants can be found in kitchens and homes across the world. They are a common household pest that can spread quickly if left untreated.

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